Having Breath
Collectively our presence in the woods represented an act of quiet resistance. The process of walking, talking, foraging and creating encouraged us to open our senses, to merge with the environment and think about the inter-relatedness of things.
Conversations covered many subjects including environmental issues, art, folk lore and I think they will have a ripple effect - knowledge passing on and on repeatedly over time.
The forages provided periods of inter-connectedness and discussion between people and materials – a series of multi-sensory experiences that demonstrated forgotten possibilities for deeper understanding of the natural world.
A sense of collective empowerment – the power of creativity to transform, providing participants with a magic cloak of resilience and hyper-attentiveness.
The sense of commonality that comes from revisiting a place regularly. These processes slowly becoming reverent and ritualistic. A sense of be-coming closer emerging with each repetition.
Not the end...
October 2022 forage 'Dark Matter: A Terra Story of Interconnectedness with guest artists @Mycelium Thinking
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